Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve On Our Street!!

Around 5 PM the PUPS got anxious to take their evening walk. I noticed a neat cloud formation and decided to go to the end of the street and revisit the "DEAD END" sign...



I decided to go down the street the other way to Perry's and see his roses just one more time before we leave for Galveston on Friday...


Looking east with the yellow rose in front and red roses in the background.
Looking west with the red roses in front and the yellow rose in the background.


As I was taking shots of Perry's roses by chance I happened to look toward the sunset again toward Interstate 10...

I decided by chance to shoot one of Perry's roses with the Christmas tree lights as a background.

Are the three above shots cool or what?!?!?

So I reshot the scene below because Perry had added the Christmas wreath and...

Merry Christmas!!!!


  1. Cool photos with the Christmas lights in the BG

  2. Cool photos with the Christmas lights in the BG

  3. You are an artiste! We loved the sunset pictures. We especially loved the pictures of the yellow rose with the Christmas lights in the background. OK, how did you get the house lights to sparkle?

    1. That's Santa's secret!!!

      No, I didn't do it, It must be in the Blogger software at Christmas time I was as surprised as you and was also delighted!!
